Premios Fundación Enaire

A lo largo del primer semestre del año la Fundación ENAIRE ha convocado y fallado los Premios que llevan su nombre. En esta vigésima segunda edición, y en base a la periodicidad variable de algunos de los galardones, se han convocado los premios Emilio Herrera, Luis Azcárraga, José Ramón López Villares y Periodismo.
Los investigadores de la Red CYTED Jesica de Armas Adrián, Luis Cadarso Morga, Ángel A. Juan Pérez y Francisco Javier Faulín Fajardo, han resultado galardonados en la categoría Luís Azcárraga, por su distinguido estudio sobre transporte aéreo:
A multi-start randomized heuristic for real-life crew rostering problems in airlines with work-balancing goals.


El jurado ha destacado su aportación al transporte aéreo en relación con el desarrollo de metodologías de asignación de recursos que permiten compatibilizar una planificación de tripulaciones eficiente con una gestión equilibrada de recursos.



     Jesica de Armas                  Luis Cadarso Morga                 Ángel A. Juan Pérez                  Javier Faulín

Prof. Jesica de ArmasEl catedrático de la UPNA e investigador del ISC Javier Faulín.

Imágenes de la ceremonia de entrega de premios:

A multi-start randomized heuristic for real-life crew rostering problems in airlines with work-balancing goals.
Abstract This paper proposes a multi-start randomized heuristic for solving real-life crew
rostering problems in airlines. The paper describes realistic constrains, regulations, and rules
that have not been considered in the literature so far. Our algorithm is designed to provide
quality solutions satisfying these real-life specifications while, at the same time, it aims at
balancing the workload distribution among the different crewmembers. Thus, our approach
promotes corporate social responsibility by distributing the workload in a fair way and avoid-
ing that some crewmembers get unnecessarily overstressed. Despite its importance in real-life
applications, these aspects have seldom been considered in the crew scheduling literature,
where most solving approaches refer to simplified models and are tested on non-realistic
benchmarks. The experimental tests show that our algorithm is capable of generating feasi-
ble quality solutions to real-life crew rostering problems in just a few seconds. These times
are orders of magnitude lower than the times currently employed by some airlines to obtain a
single feasible solution, since the ‘optimal’ solutions provided by most commercial software
usually require additional adjustments in order to meet all the real-life specifications.

Abstract This paper proposes a multi-start randomized heuristic for solving real-life crew rostering problems in airlines. The paper describes realistic constrains, regulations, and rules that have not been considered in the literature so far. Our algorithm is designed to provide quality solutions satisfying these real-life specifications while, at the same time, it aims at balancing the  workload distribution among the different crewmembers. Thus, our approach promotes corporate social responsibility by distributing the workload in a fair way and avoiding that some crewmembers get unnecessarily overstressed. Despite its importance in real-life applications, these aspects have seldom been considered in the crew scheduling literature, where most solving approaches refer to simplified models and are tested on non-realistic benchmarks. The experimental tests show that our algorithm is capable of generating feasible quality solutions to real-life crew rostering problems in just a few seconds. These times are orders of magnitude lower than the times currently employed by some airlines to obtain a single feasible solution, since the ‘optimal’ solutions provided by most commercial software usually require additional adjustments in order to meet all the real-life specifications.