Program and Speakers
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Keynote Speakers
Thibault Vidal, Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Vehicle Routing, Arc Routing, and Structural Problem Decompositions
Abstract. Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP) involve designing least-cost delivery routes to visit a geographically-dispersed set of customers. Over the past 60 years, this class of problems has been the subject of considerable work, summing up to thousands of articles. In 2017, we can reasonably say that the classical “capacitated” VRP (with only capacity constraints) is fairly well solved by metaheuristic techniques. Yet, the research on VRPs keeps on expanding even further, as a consequence of the increasing diversity of applications, which bring forth new difficult constraints, objectives, and combined decisions to account for customer’s needs, vehicle and network restrictions, and to better integrate VRP optimization in the decision chains. Moreover, with the advent of collaborative logistics, smart cities, multi-modal transport, in contexts where multiples stakeholders and conflicting objectives have to be considered jointly, or in the presence of dynamic problems with a short response time, the efficient resolution of these problems is more critical than ever.
Jules Slama, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Sound Environmental Diagnosis and Urban Airport Integration
Abstract. While an airport brings several advantages to nearby populations, it is also an extensive source of noise for the city, which is responsible for adverse effects. Therefore, noise is the main limiting factor of airport capacity. The population mobilizes against aerodrome activities and may imply operational restrictions. . An essential step to solve this situation is to prepare a diagnosis of the sound situation around the airport. This diagnosis can be made from simulations. Two analyzes are performed: punctual analysis, corresponding to critical receivers and spatial analysis corresponding to the relationship between urban zoning and the sound field produced by the airport. The analysis is done using geographic information system. The metrics to be used are the DNL (Day Night Sound Level) and LAqD and LAeqN the sound levels equivalent day and night. The simulations are performed using the Integrated Noise Model simulation program. In the case of the critical receivers it is verified if the sound levels found are adequate for the activities developed in the place. In the case of the spatial analysis it is verified if there is a conflict between the level of noise produced in the region and the values of levels of evaluation criterion of the analyzed zone. This type of analysis is an important step in defining noise control measures whose results could improve the urban integration issue at the airport. Two case studies are presented.
Jonice de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
How Social Media Can Impact Urban Planning
Abstract. Nowadays, over half of the world’s population lives within urban centers. Considering this and growing
populations overall, urban planners have a difficult task ahead of them. The success of any urban planning initiative heavily depends on the prior knowledge about the area and its inhabitants. In urban spaces, there is a huge amount of heterogeneous data being generated by a diversity of sources, such as sensors, devices, vehicles, smart buildings, and others. Although they are used to monitor basic services, they can provide significant information about human interactions and populational dynamics. Moreover, people constantly interact with each other through social media services, and much of interpersonal interaction is nowadays mediated by information technology. Citizens consume and share information about their cities - such as problems, events, ideas, suggestions, criticisms, and demands – acting as ‘human sensors’, forming opinions and participating in the city evolution. It turns out that social media could be a source of valuable data for urban planners, providing useful resources for determining how urban resources are being used. In this talk, we will describe some works using social media to understand the main urban problems in Rio de Janeiro. .
Thursday 20 September 2018
Opening Session; 9:00- 9:30
Keynote Session; 10:00-11:00
Chair: Javier Faulin (UPNA)
Vehicle routing, arc routing, and structural problem decompositions. Thibault Vidal (PUC- Rio)
Coffee Break; 11:00- 11:30
Session 1; 11:30- 13:00
Chair: Luis Cadarso (URJC)
Smart Br - IoT applications in the Brazilian Scenario. Claudio Miceli (UFRJ)
UAVs for Urban Logistics, Why and How. Felix Mora Camino (UFF)
The Car Renter Sales-man Problem. Luidi Simoneti (UFRJ)
Integrated optimization for a sustainable management of aircraft arrivals at airports. Luis Cadarso (URJC)
Lunch; 13:00- 14:30
Session 2; 14:30- 16:00
Chair: Antonio Mauttone (U. Republica)
An optimization model for the planning of surveillance operations at urban and national parks. Javier Gomez (U. Talca)
Weightless neural networks for GPS public transit trajectory classification. Diego Carvalho (UFRJ)
A Heuristic GRASP for the problem of rotation in agricultural culture (HGARC). Soline Ikeda (UFRRJ)
Conceptual overview of models and algorithms for public transportation network design. Antonio Mauttone (U. Republica)
Coffee Break; 16:00- 16:30
Keynote Session; 16:30-17:30
Chair: Sergio Serra (UFRRJ)
Sound Environmental diagnosis and urban airport integration. Jules Slama (UFRJ)
Friday 21 September 2018
Session 3; 9:00- 10:30
Chair: Carlos Mendez (INTEC (UNL-CONICET))
Methodology Indexfokus for the Evaluation and Management by the Stakeholders of the Sustainability of the Urban Nuclei. Enrique Diaz (Businessfokus S.L.)
Horizontal Cooperation in integrated routing and facility-Location decisions. Carlos Quintero (U. Sabana)
Urban Freight Distribution and Sustainability: Consideration of Economic Operational Costs, Polluting Emissions and Driving Accidents Impacts. Javier Faulin (UPNA)
Green Logistics in Closed-Loop Supply Chains. Carlos Mendez (INTEC (UNL-CONICET))
Coffee Break; 10:30- 11:00
Keynote Session; 11:00-12:00
Chair: Priscila Machado (UFRJ)
How Social Media Can Impact Urban Planning. Jonice de Oliveira (UFRJ)
Closing Session; 12:00- 13:00
Lunch; 13:00- 14:30