Program and Speakers
Keynote Speaker
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Thursday 29 November 2018
Opening Session; 9:00- 9:30
by Javier Faulin (UPNA)
Session 1; 9:30- 11:00
Chair: Antonio Mauttone (U. Republica)
A route optimization for SSS in the north of Europe. Rosa Rios (UdC)
An integrated robust method to solve the Fleet Balancing and Update of Scheduling under Demand Uncertainty problem. Raul de Celis (URJC)
A parallel machine problem with eligibility, release and queue times of the jobs. Manel Mateo (UPC)Modelling Turns in Transit Network Design. Antonio Mauttone (U. Republica)
Coffee Break; 11:00- 11:30
Session 2; 11:30- 13:00
Chair: Joao P. Pedroso (U. Oporto)
Stochastic Optimization for Locating a Biorefinery in Navarre (Spain). Adrian Serrano-Hernandez (UPNA)
Matheuristics for a routing in a courier company. Guillermo Gonzalez (Baobab SL)
Stochastic last-mile delivery with crowdshipping. Joao P. Pedroso (U. Oporto)
Lunch; 13:00- 14:30
Session 3; 14:30- 16:00
Chair: Priscila Machado (UFRJ)
Combining forecast and mathematical optimization methods for the automation of replenishment orders. Luis Pita (Baobab SL)
Addressing aggregation errors in location models. Carolina Castañeda (UPF)
Automatic crime report classification with weightless neural networks. Priscila Machado (UFRJ)
Coffee Break; 16:00- 16:30
Session 4; 16:30- 18:00
Chair: Scott Grasman (Kettering U.)
Understanding travelers' behaviour through Big Data. Gines Leon (TiTSA SA)
Multi-Criteria Approaches for Green Logistics in Food Distribution Companies. Bartosz Sawik (AGH) & Elena Perez (UPVal)
Kettering University: The Future of Education Built a Century Ago. Scott Grasman (Kettering U.)
Friday 30 November 2018
Keynote Session; 9:30-10:30
Chair:Javier Faulin (UPNA)
Richer modelling of logistics problems using spatial data. Peter Keenan (UCD)
Coffee Break; 10:30- 11:00
Session 5; 11:00- 12:30
Chair: Jose A. Moreno (ULL)
Decision support for e-grocery operations facilitating consumer preferences and product shelf life data. Christian Fikar (WU)
Assessing business rules in routing decisions. Adela Pages (UdL)
Integrated Design and Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Plants in the shipbuilding industry: A MILP-based Decomposition Algorithm and Case Studies. Carlos Mendez (INTEC (UNL-CONICET))
Intelligent Eco-efficient Waste Collection in La Palma Island. Jose A. Moreno (ULL)
Closing Session; 12:00- 13:00
by Javier Faulin (UPNA)
Lunch; 13:00- 14:30