Saturday, 1st December 2018
Dear colleague,
The 2019 INFORMS ALIO International Conference is sponsored by both
INFORMS and the Mexican Society of Operations Research (SMIO), which is
part of the Association of Latin-Iberoamerican Operational Research
Societies (ALIO). The conference will be held June 9-12, 2019 at the JW
Marriott & Marriott Cancun Resort, Cancun Mexico. The general chair of
the conference is José Luis González Velarde (Tec de Monterrey, Mexico),
and the program chairs are Roger Z. Ríos (Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo
León, Mexico) and Andres L. Medaglia (Universidad de Los Andes,
Colombia). Please see the website
As chairs of the Transportation/Vehicle Routing cluster, we would like
to invite you to organize a session within the cluster on a specific
topic proposed by you. A session comprises between 3 to 5 presentations.
If you accept the invitation, your task will be to invite potential
authors and enter the information of their talks at the conference
website. Alternatively, if you are not able to organize a session, you
can suggest a colleague to be invited or you can propose a single talk
that will be included into a suitable session.
We hope you are be able to accept this invitation !
Please, let us know if you need further information. At any case, we
would appreciate an answer at your earliest convenience. Note that the
deadline for Cluster Chairs to enter Session Chairs is January 14 and
the Deadline for Session Chairs to enter Presenters is February 11.
Best regards,
Libertad Tansini
Antonio Mauttone
Universidad de la República, Uruguay